About Me

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A little about me…

Hi! My name is Setyakandhy, It’s looks like you’ve stumbled onto my personal blog here at Dwellerofearth. This is where I post all kinds of random content, article and personal life updates. I've start blogging about my strange little life for almost five year but mostly inactive after I graduated from Collage.

Dwellerofearth isn't my only home and blog on the web, you might know me from site such Facebook, twitter,wordpress, and Instagram. This is my newest Blog since I want to change more the Design of the blog after previously blogging on Wordpress.
My hobbies/interests in life are reading,drawing, travelling, tarot~ing and gaming. Also I hope these subjects can happen to be my main sources of income, because I want to make a living doing the things I love. 
I am currently working on one of the oil and gas company, as Legal Assurance, who's provides assurance that all Comunnication & External Affairs activities comply with applicable internal procedures, requirements and appropriate external govermental regulations. Involves management of documentation, conducting regular business process reviews, supporting audit process and leading the required action.

You are welcome to comment and email me, but I’m terrible at responding.  It’s not you.  It’s me. I’m at Sweetthya@gmail.com.

Your typical Leo, generous, loyal, encouraging, full of energy and stubborn. I fall in love with Earth, Plants and Animals.

What i love

◦Lemon Tea
◦Free Wifi


◦Pacific Rim
◦Star Trek
◦Pirates of Carribean
◦The Avenger
◦Fast and Furious
◦The Miracle
◦Independent day
◦Jurassic Park
◦Indiana Jones series.




◦The 8th habit by Stephen Covey
◦Small is the new Big by Seth godin
◦Winning by Jack Welch
◦Purple Cow by Seth Godin
◦Tipping point by Malcolm Gladwell
◦Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
◦Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T Kiyosaki

All work on this site is copyrighted and cannot be reprinted without express consent of me.  Just ask first, okay?

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